Category Archives: Six Sentence Sunday

Six Sentence Sunday: Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? #sixsunday

Hello again and welcome back to the blog for another installment of Six Sentence Sunday. Thanks for stopping in 🙂

Today’s sample is from my current WIP, and what I hope will end up being my Nanowrimo project this year. The novel is a fantasy, and in this scene, Jyslin (Red) is letting the Lupine (wolf/human race) she just met, Domnu, know exactly how she feels about him. She doesn’t seem to be too intimidated, frankly. 😛

Hope you enjoy.

“Domnu,” he offered. “Name’s Domnu.”

She showed no sign she’d heard him. “I assure you I’m no damsel, and do not require any rescuing today.”

Domnu lifted his shoulders in a shrug. “Suit yourself, Red.”

As always, your thoughts or comments on the above excerpt are welcome and appreciated. Be sure to click the banner at the top of the post and visit the other blogs participating in this week’s Six Sentence Sunday.

Six Sentence Sunday: Back in the Swing! #sixsunday #writing

Welcome to my little part of the world wide web and thanks so much for stopping by for Six Sentence Sunday. As those of you who follow this blog regularly know, I have been absent from the group for a while now, and am just starting to get myself back in the swing of regular postings.

In honor of my actually remembering to write my post this week, I thought I would share a little snipit from my current WIP, MACHENWOOD.

Right now, I am in the process of doing some editing and rereading of the story to this point, as I haven’t really touched the MS in over six months. It’s like a brand new tale to me 🙂 Man, I love that!

Anyway, without bending your ear further, here is my six sentences for this week.

Ana raised a brow. “A Lupine?”

“A mix of human and wolf. They live in the Dark Forest, north of the Glen.”

Ana’s stomach dropped to her toes. Magic wielding goddesses, shapeshifters, dream crystals…how would she ever find her boy?

How’s that for a little teaser? As you can probably figure out, Machenwood is, or will be, a fantasy tale.

Would love to hear your thoughts on the excerpt.

Thanks for stopping in. Please make sure to click the Six Sunday image at the top of the post or visit: and visit with the other bloggers/writers offering excerpts from their stories today. Who knows, you may just find your next favorite author.

Happy Sunday!

Six Sentence Sunday: She’s Baaack :P #sixsunday #CalloftheSea

Yes, that’s right. I have returned after a rather lengthy hiatus from the fun and frolic of Six Sentence Sunday. With the release of my debut novel, Call of the Sea on June 21st, things have been beyond hectic over the past month. (In a good way).

Now that I am back on track, as it were, I thought it best to get back into the swing of things.

This week’s six sentences are brought to you by my month long distraction, CALL OF THE SEA, available from Inkspell Publishing, as well as most major online retailers (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, KOBO, All Romance eBooks, The Book Depository).

Since Daniel seems to be a favorite character of most who’ve read the book so far, I thought I would give him the spotlight for today’s tease. 🙂

The columned mansion sat at the top of a hill overlooking the infamous gates of Gibraltar. If it weren’t for the seriousness of the situation, Daniel would have enjoyed the breathtaking view of the narrow gateway into the Mediterranean Sea.

“Just remember why we’re here. Stay sharp, lad.”

Daniel wiggled his fingers, as if he could release all of his pent up apprehension through their tips. “Aye, Captain.”

Thanks for stopping in for a visit. I’ve missed you all 🙂

Don’t forget to click the banner at the top of the post to return to the Six Sunday host site so you can visit with the other authors posting this week.


Six Sentence Sunday: That Blissful Moment Before The First Kiss #sixsunday #writing

Welcome back and thanks for chosing to stop by for your Six Sentence Sunday fix. I always love having visitors. 🙂

Since I received my copyright in the mail from the Library of Congress, I decided to include six sentences from my soon to be released debut novel, CALL OF THE SEA.

Rather than set the scene on this one, I think I will let the post speak for itself. 🙂 Enjoy!

Her calloused fingertip traced his lower lip and her eyes filled with wonder.

Daniel’s hands surrounded her waist before he realized he’d moved. Her scent, a heady mix of lilac and peppermint spice, wafted up to him. His desire surged. “Ellie?”

The question hung in the air between them for endless seconds.

Welp, that got my engine running this morning. How about you? Comments always welcome. Be sure to add CALL OF THE SEA to your Goodreads TBR pile. You can find it here:

Clicking on the link at the top of the post will bring you back to the host site so you can visit with the other authors participating in Six Sentence Sunday this week.

See you soon. 🙂

Six Sentence Sunday: What’s Up With That? O.o #sixsunday

Hello again, my friends and welcome to another Six Sentence Sunday. Glad to have you back after a short hiatus.

I have been hooting and hollering all over the internet about my debut novel, so I thought a change of pace would be nice. This week’s six comes from my current WIP, a fantasy romance I’ve given the working title of DESTINY’S TRIAL.

With an agitated grunt, the massive beast[grizzly] gave up, turned away from the liquid onslaught, and ran off through the thick bushes.

Jyslin dropped her arms back to her sides, releasing her hold on the water. It splashed to the ground, lifeless and disappeared as it seeped into the sand. She swept her panicked gaze to the injured wolf. Her heartbeat faltered.

The black mass of fur was gone, and in its place lay a naked, bleeding man.

She rushed to his side on weak legs and fell to her knees.

Always interested in your feedback and comments, so don’t be shy.

Clicking the banner at the top of the post will bring you back to the Six Sentence Sunday host site so you can visit with the other authors offering excerpts this week.

Thanks for coming, and Happy Sunday!

Six Sentence Sunday: The Curse of the Awkward Silence #sixsunday

Thanks for stopping by for another installment of Six Sentence Sunday. This week’s post is special for me, as the cover reveal for my debut novel is tomorrow. (A Hearty SQUEE for that)

In honor of the unveiling of my paranormal romance, this week’s six sentences comes from the soon to be available (Inkspell Publishing, June 2012), CALL OF THE SEA.

Without waiting for an answer, she[Ellie] headed down the dirt road, keeping her gaze focused on the path ahead and as far from the distracting Daniel as possible.

On a good day, the trek to Newquay was long. The trip with Daniel that morning was pure torture. Neither spoke a word, the silence between them stretching into an impenetrable chasm. Each time Ellie considered breeching it, her thoughts fled, palms got sweaty, and her ears burned. She’d already made enough of a fool of herself on the beach, she saw no reason to add to the humiliation.

Hope you enjoyed the snipit. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments, and click the banner at the top of this post to visit with the other participant sites.

Thanks again, my friends, and Happy Sunday!

Six Sentence Sunday: I Miss the Dark Side #sixsunday

As most of you who stop by regularly know, (since I can’t stop talking about it most days) my debut novel is releasing in June. Due to this fantastic bit of good fortune, I have been up to my eyeballs in CALL OF THE SEA for months and months. This week I sent the first round of edits to my editor, so I have been able to put Daniel and Ellie out of my head for a day or so. It’s been wonderful for my creativity.

This week’s six comes from a short story I have finally been able to focus some attention on. It has a darker feel to it that CotS, so I have really enjoyed spending time with the characters of DESTINY’S TRIAL (working title).

Hope you enjoy the snipit. 🙂

Torches lined the ancient stone walls of the wide antechamber, casting an eerie yellow light about the space. The flickering light caught on the two metallic suits or armor stationed on both sides of the archway at the other end of the foyer, making them appear as if they’d been dipped in gold.

Hesitant steps carried her across the lobby. The only sounds accompanying her were the soft click of her boot heels and the murmur of her cloak brushing over the polished marble floor.

You can do this. It’s what you’ve worked your whole life for.

As always, feel free to share your thoughts on today’s offering.

Be sure to click on the banner at the top of this post and drop in on the other authors with teasers for you this week. You never know. You just may stumble across your new favorite author.

Happy Sunday!

Six Sentence Sunday: Things that go bump in the night #sixsunday

I’m completely amazed by how much has changed for me in the short time since I announced my debut novel, Call of the Sea would be published. So much so, I wasn’t able to get any new writing done on the short story I posted a snipit of last week. So this week, I am flopping back to a scene from Call of the Sea, set to debut from Inkspell Publishing on June 21, 2012.

Without further ado…

A shuffle in the darkness drew him[Daniel] upright. “Who’s there?” The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as he squinted into the pitch. The faint beam of moonlight streaming in the tiny window by the table did little to aid his cause. Daniel stared into the dark as he fumbled to light the lamp.

With only one way in or out, whatever lurked in the shadows would have to go through him to escape.

Thanks for stopping in. As always, your thoughts and comments are welcome.

Be sure to click the link at the top of this post and visit with the other writers posting sentences this week.

Take care 🙂

Six Sentence Sunday: Cinu-what? From a WIP #sixsunday

I’ve been working on and off for the past week on a new short I hope to have ready to sub for the recent anthology titled MAKE BELIEVE (published by J. Taylor Publishing. For this week’s six, I decided to switch gears and give you all a taste. Thoughts and opinions always welcome.

Enjoy and Happy Sunday!

She[Jyslin] had slept little, thoughts centered on her impending Cinuint. Despite years of preparation and training, Jyslin really had no idea what to expect from the journey. She knew what was supposed to happen, what she’d been told to expect, but each Etherian’s destiny was different, making their Cinuint a completely unique experience.

Jyslin lifted the cup, blew a stream of cooling breath on the liquid and dared a small sip. Sweetened heat trickled down her throat. Her muscles relaxed in slow degrees.

Be sure to click the banner at the top of the post to visit with the other participants in this weeks postings. See you next time.

Six Sentence Sunday: The Call of the Sea #sixsunday

In honor of my recent contract signing with Inkspell Publishing, this week’s six sentence sample comes from my debut novel, a Paranormal Romance titled, The Call of the Sea. (Man, I just love saying that.)

Your comments are always welcome.

Surely, Jashir would come for her soon. She [Ellie] wrung her hands and stared a hole in the closed portal.

A deafening explosion rocked the hull, throwing Ellie backwards and scattering her thoughts to the wind. She landed on her rump with a thud. Pain shot through her ankle where the chain anchored her.

What the devil was that?

Be sure to click on the banner at the top of the post and stop in to visit with the other participants this week.

Happy Sunday!