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Daily Flash 2012: 366 Days of Flash Fiction Now Available

That’s right. After what feels like a long wait, Pill Hill Press has announced the release of Daily Flash 2012: 366 Days of Flash Fiction (Leap Year Edition). The book is currently available in print format, with ebook versions to release in the coming weeks.

I managed to grab an awesome pic of the cover.

The collection features my short story, Parades (on June 23rd). Pick up your copy at the Pill Hill Press Bookshop or at Amazon now.

If you do grab a copy, please stop back and tell me what you think.


Recent Acceptance News

I haven’t had an opportunity to rave about my recent good news due to some major busy-ness in my family life. Rather than bore you with the details, I will get right to the heart of the matter.

I have received two acceptances this week for flash pieces I submitted. Cue fanfare and confetti!

The first, Parades , is a flash story about a little girl, Emma, who must come to grips with the true purpose of the parade her mother tells her they are going to attend. Parades will be featured in Daily Flash 2012: 366 Days of Flash Fiction (Leap Year Edition) being published by Pill Hill Press. The anthology should be release in November 2011.

The second story, Jason’s Obsession, is a a flash horror story about a young boy named Jason, who has an unhealthy obsession with fire. The piece will be featured in Daily Frights 2012: 366 Days of Frightening Flash Fiction (Leap Year Edition) also being published by Pill Hill Press and due for release this November.

Two stories, two anthologies and two publishing credits. Hooray for October!!

The beauty here is there are 366 stories in each book and quite a few of my fellow writers and friends from the critique group I belong to will also have their stories feature. Congrats to one and all. I can’t wait to get my hands on copies of these upcoming anthologies.

I will be sure to post up the cover art when it becomes available.

Acceptance News: Daily Flash 2012: 366 Days of Flash Fiction

I share the bad news when it comes, so I thought I should also share the good news as well. Only fair, right?

I received an email yesterday that one of my flash (less than 500 words) stories, Parades,  has been accepted for inclusion in Daily Flash 2012: 366 Days of Flash Fiction (Leap Year Edition) being published by Pill Hill Press. This is a “for the love” collection, so no monetary payment or free copy, but it will be released in paperback and ebook formats somewhere around Nov. 2011.

I will keep you all posted as things progress and let you all know where you can get copies when it is actually published.