Monthly Archives: October 2012

Next Big Thing Blog Hop: I’ve Been Nominated :) #WIP #writing

So, I was recently tagged by fellow author, Terri Rochenski in the Next Big Thing Blog Hop of sorts. This one is for your current WIP, so I thought it would be fun to try and answer the questions posed. On that note, you should stop by her blog and check out her post on Pool of Souls, a story I am lucky to be a beta reader for — You will love it!

So anyway, without any further ado and delay… here we go…

What is the working title of your book? 

Destiny’s Trial and Legend of the Mist

Where did the idea for the book come from?
The idea for this particular tale in what I hope to be a series, is an image file sent out by J.Taylor Publishing as a prompt for short story submissions. The picture got the mental juices going, as it was just perfect for the characters I had floating about in my head in a vague, shapeless form, and the basic premise of the story was born.
What genre does your book fall under?
Fantasy (Romance)
Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
That is a tough question to answer at this point in the process, but I guess for Jyslin (pronounced Jice-linn) I would have to go with Olivia Wilde. For Domnu, the male lead character the choice is a bit more difficult. He would have to be somewhat dark and sarcastic, sure of himself…hmmm.. for lack of a better pick at the moment, I will have to go with Colin Farrell — while I dont love him in general, he definitely has the right “look” to pull off Domnu.
What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?
Crap… hate doing these things…
Destiny can’t be outrun, but magic opens doors.
Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
I am hoping to ply an agent with the series once completed.
How long did it take to write the first draft of your manuscript?
Still working on that one. Not quite there yet, but Nano is around the corner!
What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
Well, the idea with this writing thing is to try to be original, so I hope it’s not like anything else. I will give you the pitch line I use for the series, though — that should work.
The Machenwood series is The Chronicles of Narnia meets Grimm’s Fairytales.
Who or what inspired you to write this book?
My endless love of all things fantasy, fairy tale and Brother’s Grimm.
What else about your book might pique the readers interest?
This story is definitely NOT your mother’s fairy tale. It is a bit dark, somewhat twisted and contorted and gives a whole new twist to age old characters.
Let’s see, now the fun part… nominating other writers to participate.
The nominees are:
Can’t wait to see what sorts of things they are working on 🙂
Thanks for stopping in. 🙂

Cover Reveal: Day After by Emi Gayle #YALIT #YA #PNR

As most of you know, I can be quite the cover whore, so I just love having the chance to be part of so many really great cover reveals. This one is certainly no exception.

Today’s cover reveal is for the second book in Emi Gayle’s 19th Year series, DAY AFTER, which will release from J. Taylor Publishing in May 2013.

Day After

Book 2 in The 19th Year Trilogy
by Emi Gayle
Release Date: May 6, 2013
Target Reader: Young Adult
Keywords: Paranormal RomanceRomance

Back of the Book

Demon crypts. Vampire lairs. Glowing angels. Sexy sirens. The stuff of fiction.

Or so Winn Thomas always thought.

Since being accepted into the fold of the supernatural, he knows better. None of what he imagined is true, but everything he feared is, and binding himself to his changeling girlfriend until her nineteenth birthday will give him an education far beyond what he’d get at his human high school.

Luckily, Winn’s not giving up, he won’t back down, and he definitely isn’t going to run away with his tail between his legs. After all, only werewolves have tails. Right?

In this, the second of the 19th Year trilogy, Winn’s facing the challenge of one lifetime. If he doesn’t learn the truth about mythological creatures, his girlfriend Mac Thorne won’t either. That means, in six months, when she chooses her final form, she won’t know what to pick.

Winn, though, has his own ideas about Mac’s final selection—plans she knows nothing of.

He intends to have her pick human.

Whether she can or not.


Other Books in this series include:
After Dark (Book 1)

My thoughts: I really like this cover. It goes well with the cover of the first novel in the series and definitely peaks my interest in the story. There is a nice darkness to it that fits the blurb nicely, and I really like the shadowed cloaked figure to the right of  who I assume to be the main character, Winn.

What do you think? Love it? Hate it? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below. I love hearing what others think of these covers when they come out.

Upcoming Events Update: So Much Happening Lately #writing #events

I would have thought June would be my busiest month of the year, being my novel released during the month and that was just the beginning of summer — the busiest time of year for a working mom. But for me, it appears the months of October, November and December will be my busiest of the year.

This is what I have in the hopper. Im really hoping to see some of you at these events. Would love to meet you all. 🙂


Oct. 18-21, 2012Albacon (Fantasy and Sci-Fi Convention) – Latham, NY

My Schedule for Albacon:

Thursday, October 18 – Registration, Writer’s Reception

Friday, October 19 – Writer’s Workshop All Day

Saturday, October 20 – Various Panels and Events (see below):

11:00am – Panel: Anything Good on TV? — What TV shows are worth watching this year.

1:00pm – Reading: Call of the Sea

3:00pm – Panel: Happily Ever After — Is it true that readers don’t want upbeat stories, or is it just harder to sell them?

4:00pm – Autographing Session (copies of Call of the Sea will be available for purchase at the Flights of Fantasy dealers table)

6:00pm – Panel: Strong female characters who don’t need guns (yes, I call this the Ellie panel:P) — Can a heroine be compassionate and cool?

October 19, 2012Inkspell Publishing will be offering signed copies of Call of the Sea for sale ONLY on their website ALL DAY. If you wanted a signed copy and live nowhere near me, this is the way to get it!


November 13th – Author Talk/Reading – Battenkill Books, Cambridge, NY

For more detailed information about this local event, please visit the Battenkill Books website.


This month will be all about my erotica alter-ego R. Brennan as she will have three different stories debuting in December.

Blood and Fire (MuseItUp Publishing) – Set for Release Dec, 2012

Routine Maintenance – Included in the Felt Tips Charity Anthology – Set for Release 12/12/12 (7th Circle Press)

Faith’s Gift – Included in Christmas Kink Anthology – Set for Release in Dec 2012 (Evernight Publishing)

Just a few reasons for me to get excited about the colder months… and believe me, I need all the reasons I can get. Winter… Brrrrrrrr

Author Interview: Aubrie Dionne, Author of HAVEN 6

As a special treat today, I have managed to score an interview with the author of the Haven series, Aubrie Dionne. Not familiar with the series? Here is the info on the newest Haven release, HAVEN 6.

Back of the Book:

A product of an illegal pairing, Eridani is the only woman without a lifemate aboard the colonization ship, the Heritage, and she is determined her less than perfect DNA will not get in the way of finding love. As the ship nears it’s final destination of Haven 6 after five hundred years of travel, images of the surface show evidence of intelligent life on a planet that’s supposed to be uninhabited. Commander Grier assigns Eri to the exploratory team to spy on the alien society and return with information on how to defeat them.

When Eri’s team lands, tribes of humans attack and Eri is saved by Striver, the descendant of a colonist and a pirate from Old Earth’s colonization efforts in other parts of the galaxy. Striver helps Eri rescue her team and they are drawn to each other despite their different allegiances. While Striver battles with trusting Eri, Eri must decide whether to warn him and his people about the commander’s intentions, or follow orders and complete her mission.

My Interview with Aubrie Dionne:

Rebecca: When did you first start writing? What made you want to be a writer?

Aubrie: I’d always wanted to be a professional flutist, and when I started teaching, I made up stories to go along with the music and make it come alive for my students. My students liked the stories so much they used to urge me to write them down. I finally listened and here I am today!

Rebecca: What inspired you to write your novel, Haven 6?

Aubrie: This is the final book in the series, so I wanted it to be epic and tie in all the loose threads from the prequel and the first two books, which is not an easy task! I also wanted it to take place on a jungle planet, following the way Star Wars moved from a desert planet, to an ice world, to a jungle planet.

Rebecca: Are you a pantser or a plotter?

Aubrie: I used to be a panster, but now I have to turn in a synopsis to my agent and my publisher before I get too far into the story if I want it to get read in a decent amount of time. This has made me a plotter. I do find that I get less blocked if the whole story is already planned.

Rebecca: Do you have any writing rituals or special processes you complete before sitting down to write?

Aubrie: Sometimes when my mind gets blocked, I’ll do the laundry or go for a walk with my dog, and that usually frees it up again. Sometimes even Spider solitaire is a good way to help writer’s block, until I get blocked with that!

Rebecca: What music was on your playlist while writing your novel?

Aubrie: I listen to Radio Gaia when I write. New age music is easy listening with no words to distract me!

Rebecca: Morning person or grumpy bear?

Aubrie: Grumpy bear. I need coffee and time to wake up! LOL

Rebecca: What is the one thing about the book publishing process that has surprised you the most?

Aubrie: How snarky people can be in reviews. I can’t believe the things they write about books. Don’t they know we’re real people?

Rebecca: What group were you a part of in High School? Jocks? Nerds? Metal heads?

Aubrie: Definitely band geeks. I spent a lot of time practicing my flute and going to marching band games. All of my friends were in the band!

Rebecca: What is next for you?

Aubrie: Well, funny you should ask that! The YA tie in series to the New Dawn trilogy comes out November 7th with the book titled Colonization: Paradise Reclaimed  published by Inkspell Publishing. After that, I have a contemporary romance coming out with Entangled Publishing’s Bliss line called My Maestro about a flutist that has fallen in love with her conductor.

Rebecca: Do you have any unique skills or talents? If so, what?

Aubrie: I play the flute! Does that count?

Rebecca: Coke or Pepsi?

Aubrie: Neither! I drink coffee and Mountain Dew!

Rebecca: If I were to look in your closet right now, would I find frills and lace or denim and tees?

Aubrie: Frills and lace! I love wearing fancy clothes in concerts! I don’t think I’ve worn a T-shirt in years.

Thanks so much for stopping in today, Aubrie, it’s been a pleasure having you. For those of you out there who want more info on Ms Dionne, or her books, her bio and links are below.

Audrie’s BIO:

Aubrie Dionne is an author and flutist in New England. Her writings have appeared in Mindflights, Niteblade, Silver Blade, Emerald Tales, Hazard Cat, Moon Drenched Fables, A Fly in Amber, and Aurora Wolf.

Her books are published by Entangled Publishing, Lyrical Press, and Gypsy Shadow Publishing. She recently signed her YA sci fi novel with Inkspell Publishing titled: Colonization: Paradise Reclaimed, which will release in November 2012.

When she’s not writing, Aubrie teaches flute and plays in orchestras. She’s a big Star Trek TNG fan, as well as Star Wars and Serenity.

 Twitter: @authoraubrie

Blog Tour: Shadowborn by Jocelyn Adams (@jocelynadams) #LilaGray

In my time in the writing biz, I have made a few close friends of the writerly persuasion. I am happy to say, my guest today, is one of those friends. I met Jocelyn Adams through a critique site we both used at the time, If you aren’t familiar with the site and you write, you are missing out. While a peer critique site, it has been invaluable to me in making connections and forming friendships with authors I have grown to love and admire.

In this particular case, Jocelyn Adams is the kind of writer that I strive to be. She inspires me with her gift for storytelling and with her amazing ability to finish entire novels in less time than it takes me to come up with a title for one.

The second novel is Ms. Adam’s Lila Gray series, Shadowborn was released from J. Taylor Publishing on October 1st. If you haven’t ordered a copy or added this one to your Goodreads TBR pile, you are seriously missing out.

Here are the details on the newest release:

Back of the Book:

Why me?

That’s the question Lila Gray asks every time yet another bad guy tries to destroy the earth, and she learns she’s the only one who can stop it. Once again, something’s on the prowl, leaving hundreds of comatose, soulless victims in its wake.

Couldn’t the deadliest assassins of the Otherworld go after someone else instead of the brand new Queen of the Seelie? One who still hasn’t adapted to her new role.

Lila would ask Liam Kane, King of the Unseelie, for advice, but something’s off with him, too. He’s holding back. In some way. About some thing. In fact, he refuses to tell her what’s going on.

The truth holds Lila back from the greatness of her role—the people she was born to lead—the man who she desperately loves—and the solution to the latest war raging around her.

To find the answers, she’ll need to fight through her own darkness and embark on a journey through her psyche.

If she doesn’t succeed, the Shadowborn will claim not only her world, but her soul.

While I have a full review of the novel to come, today Jocelyn Adams was kind enough to allow me to share with you a special Halloween themed Lila Gray short.

I’m beyond excited to have a chance to be the first to share it with you all.

Devil in Heels – A Lila Gray Short

I groaned as Brígh spun me toward the mirror.  “Why are you doing this to me?”

“Oh, suck it up, Lila.  It’s fun.” Rock music shook her house from the party going on beyond her bedroom door.  “You said you’ve never dressed up for Halloween, so now’s your chance.”

“I think you missed the part where I said dressing up is lame and even as a kid, before the world went to shit, I never dressed up.  And since when do fae celebrate a human occasion?”

“Oh, hush with your minor details.”  Her fingers fluffed my hair.  “Okay, you can open your eyes.”

“Do I have to?”

The smack sound came before the sting in my shoulder.  “Yes, you do.”

Chuckling, I rubbed my arm.  “Damn, that hurt.  You’re so dainty I didn’t think you had it in you.”  At her huff, I sighed.  “Fine, fine, I’ll look.”

I opened my eyes to the reflection of a short red vinyl skirt that barely covered my naughty bits.  Black fishnet stretched over my legs, at least what wasn’t hidden behind thigh-high red boots with silver heels that could have skewered a wild boar.  On top, she’d squeezed my girls into a black corset with red silk ribbons as laces.

I glared at her reflection in the mirror, though she only grinned in return, her sapphire Seelie eyes sparkling with it.  “You have got to be freakin’ kidding me.  What the hell am I supposed to be?”

“The last few pieces you’ll have to add using glamour.”  She pranced in place, wearing her black vinyl cat suit complete with tufted ears.  Her pink ringlets bounced with the motion.

My fingers massaged my temples.  “And what would those be?”

“Um … your red devil horns and tail?”

I whirled to face her.  She took a step back.  “A devil, Brígh?  The entire fae nation, both of them in fact, already think I’m Lucifer’s nasty step-sister.”

She waved me off with a flick of her black-painted fingernails.  “No, they don’t, and you’re not just a devil.”  Her grin widened.  “You’re a smoking hot, sexy as hell devil.  You’re positively sinful in that outfit.”  She squealed and danced over to the door.  “He’s going to love it.”

My heart stumbled before sprinting.  “Who’s going to love it?”

She shrugged, winked and pulled the door open, flooding the room with music and excited voices from the revelers in full party swing.  “You’ll see.”

I stared after her as she walked out in her high heeled shoes, swinging her kitty tail in her fingers.  She couldn’t have meant … no, that would be insane.  Liam was an Unseelie fae, enemy of my people since some idiotic war separated us.  He hadn’t been allowed inside the gateway to Dun Bray in months despite my efforts to change the old laws.

Unwilling to get my hopes up only to have them dashed, I shook off thoughts of seeing my secret lover tonight, and used my glamour to finish off my costume as Brígh had instructed. She’d only nag me until I complied anyway. By the time I’d finished, two short red horns poked out from my hair and a long, arrow-head tail swung behind me.

My cheeks heated as I exited her bedroom and stepped into the large party room her ancient shifter house had created for the occasion.  Orange and black crepe paper streamers hung in scallops along the ceiling above the horde of Seelie fae writhing and swaying to the music.

A group by the bar turned to look at me.  I recognized a few of my royal guards beneath their costumes.  Their smirks and cat calls accompanied their waves.

“This is not happening to me,” I muttered as I waved to them and ducked into the crowd hoping to disappear.  If the shifter house was so inclined, he could open up the floor and swallow me up, but no doubt Brígh had given him strict orders not to.  So much fae energy swirled around me it took effort to move through it.

“Care to dance?”

I jumped at the deep voice in my ear.  “I don’t dance.”

“Not even with me?”  His familiar, seductive tone tightened everything south of my belly button.

Breath stalled in my throat, I turned to find a large man wearing a yellow and black spandex suit.  A cowl of the same colors obscured the upper portion of his face, all but his deep blue eyes.  My focus wandered over the swell of his chest, down to his tight abs that showed through the fabric he wore like a second skin.  I knew that body, had explored every inch of it in painful detail.  I reached for the Unseelie king to make sure he was real.

A familiar grin crooked one corner of Liam’s lips.  “Brígh really outdid herself this time.”  He chuckled as his gaze swept over me.  “Though, now that I’m wearing this ridiculous Wolverine outfit she made for me, I realize I’m going to be turning it into a circus tent if I look too hard at you.”

Laughing, I leapt at him, wrapped my arms around his neck and squeezed until he grunted.  “I can’t believe you’re here!”  When I remembered where we were and that my people would be watching me, I released him and pulled my tiny skirt back into place.  “Wait, how did you get through the portal?  If Nix or Gallagher find you inside Dun Bray, they’ll have a fit.”

“Brígh let me in.  And you didn’t recognize me, so why would they?”  Liam pulled me against him with one arm looped around my lower back and the other holding my hand in a dance pose.  “Now let’s enjoy the time Brígh’s given us.”

Bewildered by his power flowing like fire through my skin, I allowed him to set us in a swaying motion amongst the crowd and smiled at Brígh across the room, who winked in return.  “How did she even know … you know … about us?  I thought only Gallagher and Nix knew we were sneaking around.”

“She’s a Seer.  She probably saw us together in a vision.”

Liam’s breath warmed my ear and turned my core molten.  Heat invaded my face as I considered what Brígh might have seen the two of us doing.  Usually within three seconds of our meeting we were naked and pawing at one another like horny teenagers.

I groaned and buried my face against Liam’s throat, inhaling his heady scent and wishing the crowd would disappear so I could rip the fabric from his body the way I wanted to.  “I have no idea why she’s so good to me, though she could have warned me you were coming.”

Liam snickered and held me tighter.  “She’s good to you because she sees beyond your hardness to the soft, amazing woman beneath.”

My fist lowered from his shoulder and rammed into his side.

“Ouch!”  His laughter induced my own.  “It’s true.”

I hit him again.

“Now, now, kiddies.  Play nice.”  Brígh twirled up beside us wearing a smile that could turn night into day.  “My room is over there, freshly made up with new sheets and everything.”  She winked and squeezed Liam’s arm.  “Be a shame to let it go to waste, don’t you think?”

Liam and I locked gazes long enough for me to catch the dark ideas swirling behind his.  They matched my own, and then some.

As he grabbed my hand and tugged me toward Brígh’s bedroom, she shouted, “Happy Halloween, you two!”

What an awesome little tale! Just loved it. Of course, I can’t seem to get enough Lila, and her friend, Brigh is one of my favorites from the new novel. (Yes, I was lucky enough to get a review ARC of Shadowborn).

If you want to learn more about Shadowborn, or any of Jocelyn’s other amazing stories you can find her here:

Purchase Links:

Shadowborn:  AmazonBarnes & Noble

The Glass Man:  AmazonBarnes & Noble

Six Sentence Sunday: Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? #sixsunday

Hello again and welcome back to the blog for another installment of Six Sentence Sunday. Thanks for stopping in 🙂

Today’s sample is from my current WIP, and what I hope will end up being my Nanowrimo project this year. The novel is a fantasy, and in this scene, Jyslin (Red) is letting the Lupine (wolf/human race) she just met, Domnu, know exactly how she feels about him. She doesn’t seem to be too intimidated, frankly. 😛

Hope you enjoy.

“Domnu,” he offered. “Name’s Domnu.”

She showed no sign she’d heard him. “I assure you I’m no damsel, and do not require any rescuing today.”

Domnu lifted his shoulders in a shrug. “Suit yourself, Red.”

As always, your thoughts or comments on the above excerpt are welcome and appreciated. Be sure to click the banner at the top of the post and visit the other blogs participating in this week’s Six Sentence Sunday.

Heading to ALBACON 2012: My Events Schedule #Albacon2012

Now that things appear to be finalized, I am happy to announce that I will be a participating author in ALBACON 2012 being held at the Holiday Inn and Suites in  Latham, NY from October 18-21, 2012.

I’ve never been to a CON of this sort before, so I am beyond excited to see what it is all about, and hopefully meet some amazing authors and Sci-fi/Fantasy readers as well. If you were interested in attending, tickets will be available at the door for $40.00 — completely reasonable when you take a look at all the panels, autographing and reading events they are offering visitors.

If you do happen to come, please stop in and say hello. Would love to meet you!

Here is my schedule of events for the convention:

Friday (10/19):

All Day – Writer’s Workshop

8pm – Ice Cream Social (who doesn’t get excited about ice cream?)

Saturday (10/20):

11:00am – Panel: Anything Good on TV? — What TV shows are worth watching this year.

1:00pm – Reading: Call of the Sea

3:00pm – Panel: Happily Ever After — Is it true that readers don’t want upbeat stories, or is it just harder to sell them?

4:00pm – Autographing Session (copies of Call of the Sea will be available for purchase at the Flights of Fantasy dealers table)

6:00pm – Panel: Strong female characters who don’t need guns (yes, I call this the Ellie panel:P) — Can a heroine be compassionate and cool?

Unfortunately, I won’t be able to participate in the events on Sunday, as I have other obligations, but I think the above will make for a full Saturday.

What about you guys out there? Have you ever been to a sci-fi or fantasy convention? What did you like about it? Hate? Help a girl out — share your experiences so I don’t worry about what to expect for the next two weeks.

Here’s the cover reveal for my fantastic, albeit ADULT alter-ego. 😀

Bex Book Nook

I always enjoy being part of a fabulous new cover reveal, but it is always extra special when the reveal is for your own cover.

MuseItUp Publishing has contracted my paranormal erotic short, Blood and Fire. The release is set for sometime in December 2012, and will be available in eBook format only, but the digital cover is all done and ready for public consumption.

Title: Blood and Fire
Author: R. Brennan
Genre: Paranormal erotica
Publisher:MuseItUp Publishing
Release Date: December 2012
Keywords: Erotic, Paranormal, Erotic Horror, Paranormal Erotica

Back of the Book: 

College student, Francesca Morgan has finally met the Dominant man of her dreams. Kevin Stevenson is sexy, sure of himself, and knows just how to make her knees quake.

When he takes Frankie to her first fetish party, she is reminded being collared means her Master can do what he wishes with her, including offering her “services”…

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